Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Random Pictures of Pre-K

Melissa swinging on a rope with Coach
Sleeping on our first bus ride.
Sorting math materials by color.
Brayan eating a tomato at the farm.
Mia climbing on two huge tires

I would like to share some random photo's that I found. We sure were busy in our first month of school. I look forward to the upcoming months with the Pre-K boys and girls.

Using our body to have fun.

Each week Ms. Pam visits our room and teaches us how to use our small and large muscles. We have got to crawl through a dragon, bounce on a exercise ball, and limbo under a musical chicken. We really look forward to her visit. Parents ask your children tonight what they did with Ms. Pam this week, ask them to show you by using their body.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bang the Conga Drums!!!

Twice a week are afternoon friends get to visit SVN's music team: Mrs. Nordeen and Mr. Dubose. Each time we visit we get to explore new musical instruments. Last week we got to bang on a conga drum and dance around the drums. We had a great time moving to the beat.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our first field trip.

We went on our first field trip this week to a farm in Lexington, MO sponsored by the University of Missouri. We got to go on a hay ride, pick and sort green beans, and eat many fruits and vegetables. We even picked tomatoes off the vine and ate them. We got many compliments from the farmers for knowing so much. They thought that we were Kindergartners. Parents ask your kids about the field trip. Ask them about their first bus ride, cows, tractors, farmers, and barns.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Book Buddies OHH YEAH!!!

Today during circle I told the children that today was book buddy day and I heard some "Ohh Yeah's." Every two weeks we meet up with Mr. Padilla's 4th grade classroom for book buddies. The 4th graders read a favorite book to the pre-k children. The pre-k kids were so excited this morning when I told them that we were going to see our book buddies. The 4th graders are extremely helpful and caring to the pre-k children. I love to see the older children model the appropriate behaviors that I teach the pre-k children. Parents over the weekend ask your child about their book buddy. Ask them to tell you their book buddies name, what they look like, what they read, etc..

Go LadyBug GO!!!

While eating snack in the courtyard a little visitor came and joined us. I explained to the children that are visitor was a ladybug and that we should not disturb it's journey. The children were really concerned about the little lady bug so they collected small leaves and branches to lay on the table so it would not fall off. The children showed real care for our new friend as it was on it's journey.

SVN Pre-K Book Lovers!!

I am so excited that the children have taken a interest in books. The children read books all day long in pre-k. We read them in the morning waiting for all of our friends to arrive, we read them during circle time as a group, we read them with partners before nap, and we even read food books in the dramatic play kitchen. I am really proud of the appropriate way the children are handling and treating books.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Welcome to or Pre-K blog!

Welcome to our blog, a place where family and friends can catch up on the learning and fun that we are having at SVN Pre-K. Don't forget to click on the "Follow Blog" button at the top of the page to keep up to date on all of the happenings.