During our shape learning's, we decided to take trip around the neighborhood to see if we could find different shapes. The children were very excited as they found out that shapes were everywhere. We were greeted by neighbors as they laughed at the kids yelling, "Mr. Nick I found a square." or " I found another shape, come take a picture". We enjoyed finding shapes and admiring the beauty of our neighborhood.
Durante nuestra forma de aprendizaje, hemos decidido tomar la vuelta al barrio para ver si podíamos encontrar formas diferentes. Los niños estaban muy emocionados, ya que descubrió que las formas estaban por todas partes. Fuimos recibidos por los vecinos, ya que se echó a reír a los niños gritando, "me encontré al señor Nick un cuadrado." o "He encontrado otra forma, vamos hacer una foto". Hemos disfrutado de encontrar formas y admirar la belleza de nuestro barrio.
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