A blog created to give family and friends the wonderful view of learning and caring that is SVN Pre-Kindergarten
Friday, October 23, 2009
Pre-K Painting
I wanted to share some pictures that I took of the children while they were painting this week. The children had a great time painting and sharing their work. They discussed the colors they used and what they painted.
Quería compartir con ustedes algunas fotografías que tomé de los niños mientras ellos estaban pintando de esta semana. Los niños tenían una pintura mucho tiempo y compartir su trabajo. Hablaron de los colores que utiliza y lo que pintaba.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Read For The Record
Mr. Elrod reading to Kevin and Alejandro.
Edgar Third Grade and sister MelissaLevi, Lavannah, with big brother Thomas
Coach C reading to Jacob
Ms. Rachel reading to Brayan
Mia, Nicole's mom Laura, Nicole's sister, and Nicole
Mr. Molick reading to Abraham
Elaina reading with Grandma
Mr. Pecina reading La Oruga Muy Hambrienta
On October 8 SVN preschool participated in The Read for the Record Event. Along with SVN, hundreds of thousands of adults and children across the country read The Very Hungry Caterpillar in a record breaking celebration of reading, service, and fun.
As part of our celebration we had guest readers come in and read to the children. Mr. Elrod and Mr. Pecina from SVN's art team came and read and discussed the illustrations used in the book. Coach C and Ms. Rachel SVN's PE and dance instructors, and Mr. Molick are special education instructor also came in and read one on one with the pre-k children. We also had families join us as Elaina's grandmother, Nicole's mom and sister, Melissa's brother Edgar a SVN third grader , and Levi and Lavannah's brother Thomas, a SVN fifth grader joined us in reading the story.
After the reading our guests joined us in watching a video of Eric Carle, author of the Very Hungary Caterpillar read his story. After our viewing we ate our Very Hungary Caterpillar cake and drank fruit punch. Pre-K would like to thank all of the teachers and families who read to us, and the teachers who let us borrow copies of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Guinness's Book of World Records.
Parents tonight ask your children about the Read for the Record Event. Ask then who read to them, what book we read, and how the cake tasted!